Why STA?

Reason #1
90% of the STA clients are repeat or referral.
Reason #3
We believe that conscientious design has a powerful influence on social progress and the human experience. Thoughtless design creates limitations, reduces efficiencies, and distracts missions. Design that thinks beyond creates change and gets results.
Reason #5
Our job is to interpret the identity, style, and culture of our clients. We’re not mimicking trends, and we’re not designing for our own aesthetic agenda.
Reason #7
There is a time and a place for wild imaginings, but we aren't just winging it. Through our breadth and level of inquiry, we expand the body of research that thinks beyond disciplines, bridges gaps, transcends niches, and melds related and unrelated fields.
Reason #9
We start fresh: We imagine how every environment should work and be experienced. We translate these ideal outcomes into realities. Seriously. Many design firms have the junior staff reheating some tweaked version of an old project.
Reason #11
We've been called clever. And not just for our designs. We’re clever at managing the chaos that disrupts your ability to operate while in transition.
Reason #13
We connect the people, stories, and purpose ensuring that the design solution is unique and that the pride is shared.
Reason #15
We’re listeners. We listen until we “get” it. We start off every project by listening to our clients’ ambitions, needs, wants, and budget. When collaborating with a client that has multiple patents, has launched 6 businesses, is on the Fortune 500, or is going to change all of our lives with the next big widget...we need to listen.
Reason #17
We contribute generously to the fields and communities that are thinking forward and leading the democratization of architecture and design.
Reason #19
Our credibility, experience, and willingness to take a “deeper look” ensures that we excavate a holistic strategy that juggles the constraints, initiates energizing ideas, innovates a sustainable path forward, and ensures a return on investment.
Reason #2
Constraints are our sweet spot: we create solutions to challenging problems for smart clients. We do this because intuitive clients need an established partner that can design within the constraints, protect their interests, and deliver spaces that serve a social purpose.
Reason #4
Every project is a priority, regardless of size, budget, scope, and prestige.
Reason #6
Budgets don’t hinder design, imaginations do. We deliver; on-time, on budget, and beyond expectations. We have the ability to see the ideal in the potentials, which allows us to continually exceed client expectations.
Reason #8
We leverage our surplus of talent, natural curiosity, breadth of experience, and capabilities across industries, niches, budgets, and interests.
Reason #10
We protect clients at every phase. Our process of discovery guards against unintended consequences. Our strategic long view ensures that we will see the potential and the ideal, identify the limitations and the inherent flaws. Around here, peace of mind isn't sold separately.
Reason #12
We are collaborative: Our participatory approach keeps well-intentioned, mission-driven stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the initiative.
Reason #14
We design humanized environments that support well-being. We recognize that sustainable principles of design directly impact the vitality, efficiency, productivity, pride, and health of the user community.
Reason #16
We’re communicators. Clear and consistent communications ensure that we are all working from the same blue print.
Reason #18
Our principals are invested and engaged in each of the projects we take on.
Reason #20
Other firms are pursuing projects that will earn them the cover of a magazine. While that would be nice, recognition from industry peers means nothing if the project doesn't work for clients.