
Our approach to workplace design is driven by the idea that every company is unique, and that it is our job to interpret the identity, needs, and culture of our clients and translate them into a successful workplace environment. We start off every project by listening to our clients, and gathering and analyzing this important information. Every project is a priority regardless of size, budget or scope. Whether collaborating with a client that is a not-for-profit start-up, or a Fortune 500 company, we will listen, and present a unique and appropriate solution for each client.


Workplace design, including furniture and technology, are continually evolving, and we make it our responsibility to stay current on research and available resources. We explore factors that affect productivity, efficiency, morale, and anything that affects both the individual in the workplace and the success of the business. We propose varied options on how to approach a problem, and work closely with our clients to test the viability of the options. We do not mimic trends, and we do not design to our own aesthetic or pre-conceived agenda. We thoughtfully bring together our extensive knowledge and experience, our ongoing research, and our client’s needs in every project.