
10 Inspirations from I Saloni 2013

I’ve recently returned from I Saloni 2013 in Milan, Italy.  I Saloni is an incredible Design show, which encompasses Salone Internazionale del Mobile (furniture), Euroluce (lighting), Salone Ufficio (office furniture), and Salone Satellite (young designers – more on this below).    I was invited there by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and FederlegnoArredo, representing the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) as a Foreign Delegate.  Together we are working to develop and foster relationships between Italian and US designers and - Read More

Preserving Our Past

Old buildings have a character about them that pristine new buildings simply don't have — they have history — within their walls exist evidence and truths about those who once occupied them.  Like monuments, these buildings chronicle our environmental, cultural, technological and political histories. When we restore old buildings to their former glory we do a lot more than just put them back to use. We prevent materials from going into landfills; we require less new materials for construction; we preserve - Read More

Remembering Paolo Soleri

June 21, 1919- April 9, 2013   Today the world has lost one of its great minds. Paolo Soleri, architect, builder, artist, writer, theorist, husband, father, born on Summer Solstice, June 21, 1919, has died at age 93.   Paolo Soleri spent a lifetime investigating how architecture, specifically the architecture of the city, could support the countless possibilities of human aspiration. The urban project he founded, Arcosanti, 70 miles north of Phoenix, was described by NEWSWEEK magazine as “…the most important urban experiment undertaken in our lifetimes.”   His - Read More

Billboards: The New Water Fountain

Have you ever found yourself wandering through the Peruvian desert anguished with an unquenchable thirst? I have and it was rough. Granted I neglected to bring an adequate amount of bottled water, but finding clean H2O in Peru is challenging. Lima, the largest city in Peru, is a coastal desert situated at the northern edge of the Atacama, the driest desert in the world (fun fact: Lima is the second largest desert city behind Cairo). Receiving on average half an - Read More

Boston Awakening

Spring has sprung and we are beginning to feel the warmth of winters end. Bostonians have been hibernating during this long hard winter, but it is once again time to get outside and enjoy the green spaces our city has to offer. Statistics show that only about half the American population gets the minimum recommended amount of physical activity required to maintain one's health. And about 36 percent of adults do not engage in physical activity at all. Having available - Read More

Color Inspirations from Nature

One of my favorite places in the world is Block Island, and one of my favorite things to do is to walk, hike and bike every inch of it – in every season, and at every time of day.  I study how the landscape changes with the seasons – the white shad blooming, the spring yellow daffodils, the fuschia beach roses, the ever-changing teal to blue ocean, the fields of goldenrod, the miles of rock walls, and the many colors - Read More

What is a Woonerf?

A “woonerf” is an urban design tool which originated in the Netherlands. It is intended to transform streets from car prioritized spaces to shared spaces for all modes of transport, including pedestrians. Woonerfs are designed to make the driver feel uncomfortable, thus forcing them to reduce their speed, as opposed to using the traditional method of signs and speed-bumps.

A woonerf blends the line between pedestrian and vehicle paths. By removing curbs and any indication of a car travel - Read More


Design Museum Boston: Street Seats Design Challenge

On February 28, 2013 I had the honor of participating on the jury of Design Museum Boston’s Street Seats Challenge. This amazing competition generated interest from all over the world. Designers from 23 different countries and 22 different states submitted over 170 entries. All of the teams submitted fantastic and innovative ideas while considering sustainability, durability, aesthetics, and the benches relation to placemaking.   The initial jury process selected 20 semi-finalists who have all been given a grant from Design Museum - Read More

Home Energy Upgrades

With the rising pricing of heating fuel to record levels, it is even more important to increase the efficiency of your home in order to keep more money in your pocket. While the installation of solar panels, wind turbines and replacement windows and doors are certainly worthwhile sustainable upgrades; here are some easier weekend retrofits that can help to reduce your monthly heating bills:   Insulate Attics and roofs are a large source of heat loss. Even if your attic is already - Read More

“Fall in Love” With Allsteel Design Submission

This past month, STA entered the Allsteel / Union Office Interiors "Fall in Love" with Allsteel design competition, themed around Valentine's Day.  The focus of the competition was to design collaborative meeting spaces to showcase the range and flexibly of the  Allsteel Gather, Clarity, Merge and Involve lines. (more…)