
Thank You!

On February 7th we held our 2013 celebration, at our studio, to formally announce our new company formed with map-lab …… STA Inc. (version 2.0).  With the help of two companies who guided us through the process of our new brand, we feel we have emerged in our 16th year as a stronger and more cohesive group, firmly focused on creative design solutions and our clients’ goals and objectives.   This party was not only a celebration of our achievements, our new - Read More

How to Get “Liked”: Tips on Navigating Your Business’ Facebook Page

Ninety-three percent of consumers believe that small businesses should have a social media presence. Now more than ever, business owners feel pressured to utilize social media outlets. However, as more online marketing channels materialize, it can be overwhelming to master just one. I recently attended a class that emphasized the prominence of social media and offered suggestions on how to navigate Facebook. Facebook is a great tool to acquire customer feedback, provide customer service, facilitate networking, and manage public relations. - Read More


Standing Zones in Soccer Stadiums

This weekend I will be traveling to London to see a soccer match between Chelsea FC and Arsenal at Stamford Bridge. Unlike stadiums in the rest of the world, standing terraces are prohibited in the upper divisions of England. The prohibition of standing terraces came about because of the violent hooliganism of the 80s and the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989 where 96 Liverpool supporters died when the fans were directed into an overcrowded section of the stand, and - Read More


Designing Healthier Communities For 2013

As the New Year 2013 begins what resolutions do many individuals have? Classic examples are: To lose weight, eat better, stay connected, reduce stress, give back, and improve education.  I have been wondering if as designers we can we help individuals achieve their resolutions. Can our surrounding impact our health and our communities? I believe the answer is yes! One’s environment has a strong impact on their ability to achieve the above resolutions. Improved quality of the built environment and - Read More


How do we identify place?

There is a sense of empathy that traveling evokes for me, I enjoy learning the history of a place so that I may best understand the context of what I am experiencing. The first trip that I took with friends while in college to Costa Rica is where I fell in love with exploring new cultures. The unplanned journey was an adventure from the moment we arrived. Without a plan, we had the freedom to go where we desired at - Read More



With the holidays in full swing and the new year approaching, we at STA want to take a moment to thank our clients, partners, collaborators and team members for an exciting, inspiring year, and to wish you all a very happy holiday and a happy new year!
  To our clients, we can’t express enough what an honor it is to be given the opportunity to design for you and the people you represent.  We feel privileged that you have entrusted - Read More

Prague Sidewalks

Felice and I recently had the pleasure of visiting Prague, Czech Republic on our way to Vienna, Austria. While in Prague, we stumbled upon (quite literally at times) and learned about the many miles of stone sidewalks that decorate this wonderful city. Stone sidewalks are found throughout the more historic sections of Prague and they vary in size, color, and pattern, creating a rich mosaic. The more typical stone is roughly a 2” granite cube, white, black, gray, or red - Read More

Inclusive Leadership

STA is growing as a progressive design firm and looking to become a thought leader in our industry. Lately, I have found myself thinking a lot about the most effective way for the STA leadership team to move us forward. I have been asking myself, what are the important qualities of a good/effective leader and in a period of change and how can we as leaders promote this great design firm?  After all, I believe that two of a firms - Read More


Rebuilding After a Loss

There are moments when we are reminded about what is truly important and challenge us to reprioritize and examine our way of life. For many, a moment like this occurred this past week, as Hurricane Sandy tore her way through the east coast, leaving devastation in her path. While we in the Boston area were fortunate to escape the worst, residents of New York and New Jersey were not so lucky. The damage has been well documented, and the poignant - Read More


How I got my job

Since I started working at Silverman Trykowski Associates several colleagues have asked me how I got the job. What did I do. What did I say. Truth is the key has always been to plan ahead and follow up. If you’re a designer or a student of design, chances are you’ve heard that before. Below is a series of steps that I followed or was mindful of during my job hunt.


Disperse your anxiety
We all have some - Read More