Project Management

As Project Managers, our job is to advance our clients’ goals and protect our clients at every phase of their project. Our strategic long-term view ensures that we will see the potential and the ideal, identify the limitations and the inherent flaws, and our process of discovery guards against unintended consequences. Our collaborative teams work throughout the engagement to avert complications and avoid setbacks, ensuring for remarkable results that are on time and on budget. We’re clever at managing the chaos that disrupts your ability to operate while in transition. Our participatory approach keeps well-intentioned, mission driven stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the initiative. Above all we are communicators. Clear and consistent communications ensure that we are all working from the same blueprint.


STA believes that the owner and the project team have the most influence over the project outcome during the earliest phase of projects. By working collaboratively the project team determines the project’s success at this time. Our strength lies in assembling quality team members (firms and individuals) and establishing clear and effective communication protocols. We do not have a “one size fits all” approach to project management. In our experience, forms, schedules, reports, and budgets need to be customized from project to project based on a variety of factors. STA has an excellent base from which to build when it comes to establishing these protocols as a result of our experiences.