With the holidays in full swing and the new year approaching, we at STA want to take a moment to thank our clients, partners, collaborators and team members for an exciting, inspiring year, and to wish you all a very happy holiday and a happy new year!

To our clients, we can’t express enough what an honor it is to be given the opportunity to design for you and the people you represent.  We feel privileged that you have entrusted us with this important responsibility, and that we are able to use our talents to improve and enhance each person’s quality of life.  We thank you for a year of exciting opportunities!

For us it has been a year of rethinking, growth and transformation inspired by the integration of map-lab with STA.  We have become a collaborative power pushing the boundaries of architecture, interior design and evidence based research for the purpose of solving problems, initiating social progress and humanizing environments.  We are excited to be bringing our new approach to all of you!

Alongside our design work, our team members have had great partnerships with the International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Learning by Design, the Urban Neighborhood Design Alliance (UNDA), the Massachusetts Interior Design Coalition (MIDC), Design Museum Boston, ONEin3 Boston, the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association, the Urban Land Institute, the BSA Housing Committee, YouthBuild Boston’s Designery, and the Boston Architectural College.  We value our partnerships as a major element of our contributions to design, and will continue to do so in the coming year.



STA is all about our amazing team.  Tom Trykowski, Felice Silverman, Jon Hanson, Jimena Bedoya, and Sarah Broadhead have been joined by map-lab’s David Silverman, Dan Connolly and Abby Gordon, and in October we welcomed Josh Castellano – a true dream team of talent, creativity and all around fun people!  Every week one of us writes a blog post and hosts a “living lab” – basically a happy hour where we present topics of interest related to design and research, highlighting our varied personal interests.  We value learning from each other, and sharing that knowledge with you.

We are looking forward to the New Year, new opportunities, and a new website and look.   Join us on 2/7/13 as we celebrate the new STA (v.2) – save the date and watch for an invitation in January!

From all of us at STA, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
