How to Get “Liked”: Tips on Navigating Your Business’ Facebook Page

Ninety-three percent of consumers believe that small businesses should have a social media presence. Now more than ever, business owners feel pressured to utilize social media outlets. However, as more online marketing channels materialize, it can be overwhelming to master just one. I recently attended a class that emphasized the prominence of social media and offered suggestions on how to navigate Facebook. Facebook is a great tool to acquire customer feedback, provide customer service, facilitate networking, and manage public relations. The lecture outlined tips on what to post, how to engage, and how to generate more fans. In this blog I will share some of the vital information that I learned. 


What to Post

When posting, it is important to keep it concise and to the point. Post with eighty characters or less; this will give you 23% more interaction. Share information that makes your Facebook fans feel special: share secrets of the trade or upcoming special events. Doing this creates familiarity and trust between you and the consumer. Do not be afraid to assert your expertise. Affirming your knowledge will eventually link your proficiency to your brand. Photo posts are always effective with 39% higher interaction than average text posts. Post photos that are inspiring, funny, challenging, interesting, and appealing. Be wary of over-sharing! You should only be posting on Facebook once a day, everyday. Your reach is directly affected by how often you post: if you post everyday, your reach will increase. To see how your posts affect your reach, click on “Insights” on your business Facebook page. 


How to Engage

When posting, it is important to encourage participation and conversation. People want to engage in conversation and offer their opinions making what/when you post crucial. Due to Facebook algorithms, only 20% of your followers will see your posts. In most cases, 3:00 pm is the ideal time to post but this can vary depending on your business. You need to figure out when your consumers are online by doing test posts. Your ideal time is when your posts receive the most feedback. When posting, specifically ask for fan opinions and always respond to their remarks. Posts with user winner giveaways have 68% high interaction than average posts. “Fill in the blank” posts are also effective with four times as many comments than those that do not.  


How to Get More Fans

Facebook has one billion users who “Like” over three billion times a day. How can you acquire some of these likes? You should integrate Facebook into everything you do: website, emails, newsletters, etc. If you send out a newsletter, ask readers to “like” your Facebook page. The more “likes” you have, the greater your potential reach. Try targeting your posts depending on who views your page: age, gender, neighborhood, etc. You can see what demographics view your page by clicking on “Insights” on your business Facebook page. Keep in mind these individuals are your Facebook fans, not necessarily your business fans.